Tripler Ridge Hike

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The Tripler Ridge hike is both rewarding and challenging.  I set out last Thursday with my favorite hiking buddy, my son Brenden, with the intention of hiking the Moanalua Valley trail to find the Moanalua Falls.  Apparently we were supposed to head off onto the Kulana’ahane trail to locate the falls, however we didn’t find the trailhead.  We were happy enough spending time together in the woods and working on our photography skills.

Although I had done a little research before our trek, I was unable to get a signal on the trail, and did not realize that we were on the Tripler Ridge Trail until we were high up the mountain and almost to the summit.  This trail is incredibly beautiful with several creek crossings and variations in flora and fauna.  Tall Grass I especially loved the section with the tall grasses, but the mucky and muddy sections weren’t my favorite.  Mud seems to be a reality for almost any Ko’olau hike, however, so it’s always good to bring microspikes to get through the challenging areas!  Today we hiked a total of 10.7 miles on an in and out route and climbed to 2,700 ft. elevation.  Further research shows there are several ways of doing Tripler Ridge, however our route started and ended in Moanalua Park.  I’ve decided to invest in a topographical map of this area and will bring my compass on the next hike so as to be more prepared to find the correct trails and to explore this area more safely.

One of the highlights of the day was our interaction with what I’ve learned to be a Black Witch Moth.  It’s as big as a small bird and is the largest Nuptial moth in the world.  Apparently there are many legends regarding this creature, most of them involve death.  The Hawaiian legend states that when seeing one you are being visited by the spirit of a loved one who has recently deceased.  Interesting!  Thanks for visiting my post.  The gallery photos were taken by Shannon Jammin’ Photos and by Brenden McNally.  Mahalo and Malama Honua.

Mau’umae Trail aka Lanipo Trail

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Mau’uamae trail is also known as the Lanipo trail and can be found atop Wilhelmina Rise.  Look for the Maunalani Loop at the top, find the fenced, No Tresspassing, water board area and look along the right side of the fence for the trail head.  This trail is 3.3 miles to the peak for a total of 6.6 round trip.  It does connect with the Ko’olau Summit Trail, so you may add to the hike by following the KST to another location.  This hike is quite pleasant for the first mile with gorgeous and close up views of Palolo Valley and the Mu Ryang Sa Korean Buddhist Temple.  There are also distant views of Honolulu, the airport, Diamond Head, and Kahala.  After the bench, which is about .7 miles in, the path quickly becomes trickier.  The day I went the path was so overgrown that pants were definitely a necessity.  I thought I could cheat with long socks, but pants would’ve been much better.  Technically, this path is rated “hard”.  I didn’t find the elevation gain difficult, there are several bouldering spots and some rope sections, but the hardest challenge is in the over grown trail.  The ferns are so tall and thick that it is impossible to see where you are planting your feet, so tromping through the mud is inevitable.  I recently tracked 500 miles in Spain and thought my hiking shoes were still good because there are no holes in them, however I noticed rather quickly that I have very little tread left.  Unfortunately, I didn’t bring my micro spikes either, so I was slipping and sliding everywhere!  I did appreciate the gorgeous day and further up the trail you get great views of Ka’au Crater and the third waterfall on the Ka’au trail.  This is a nice ridge hike close to town with three peaks to climb over, scented pine groves, and grand vista’s. However, the challenges from the bushwhacking and mud, in my honest opinion, made for a not so comfortable trek!  I will be traveling here again, for it is very close to my house, but most likely will be turning around once I reach the second grassy knoll, at about 1.5 miles.  If your up for a challenge, go for it, but wear pants, bring plenty of water, have good tread on your shoes, and maybe bring a small machete!  Hike on my friends!


A photographic journey along the Camino De Santiago, the French Way.

On the Path to Discovery – My Camino de Santiago Journey

Thank you everyone for following my journey on the Camino de Santiago. Here is the video presentation compiling the photo’s taken on the journey. Please stay tuned for a Camino gallery page and photobook.

You don’t choose a life,

You live one!


SEPTEMBER 12, 2018

Am I ready?  The Camino called me and I listened.  For the next seven weeks, I will be living out of my backpack and walking the Camino de Santiago the French way.  Am I crazy?  Maybe so, but as Emilio Estevez said “you don’t choose a life; you live one”!  So I’m off to live my life.  See you on the trail!  Follow my journey on Instagram @shannonjamminphotos

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Hamama Falls

Aloha friends!  I’m sure most of you have been to or heard of Hamama Falls.  This is a super easy 3 mile round trip trail located on Honolulu Water Board property in Kaneohe.  Please obtain a permit to be a good upstanding legal citizen before embarking on this adventure.  I’ve probably completed this trail 6 or 7 times, and love all the diversity in scenes and photo opportunities!  Chilly creeks, banyan tree forts, Jurassic Park scenes, Tag art, nature and of course WATERFALLS can be found on this adventure.  Having heard there was a second falls off the trail, I had never actually located Waihe’e falls until this visit!  Woohoo!  Another beautiful waterfall, chased and caught!  I am not going to divulge where this trail is exactly, for I prefer that fewer folks know how to get to a trail, for I appreciate enjoying my experience without the presence of many other people, like the crowded Lulumahu or Manoa Falls, for example.  This was an excellent morning spent and enjoyed with peaceful company.  I especially loved sticking my head under Hamama Falls with a stranger, finding a new waterfall and the rope section next to the cascading Waihe’e Falls.  Please enjoy the gallery of ShannonJammin’ Photography, plus two of me taken by Jaqueline Hansen, of my most recent waterfall adventure.  Contact me to make arrangements for your custom guided photography or hiking adventure!  Mahalo and remember “Malama Honua!”

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Likeke Falls

Now having successfully trekked to Likeke Falls a second time, I wanted to combine the photos from my three visits to this beautiful destination.  The photo gallery slideshow includes yesterdays visit August 2018, then my first successful look at the falls in May 2018, and the visit in June 2017 where we didn’t quite make it to our destination.  This hike can start a number of ways.  Each time I’ve started at the Pali Lookout and ventured down the Old Pali Road.  I now know how to reach this hike from the Ko’olau Golf Club, which is considerably shorter but you don’t get the awesome views from the old Pali or see all the Graffiti artwork under the bridge.  This visit we were greeted by a new friend Roy, a retired Fireman who worked with search and rescue for 30 years, and his Chocolate Lab Ki’i.  He lived in the area and provided us with extra insights to the trail and area, plus showed us the way to the Golf course trail; the easy route.   Yesterday’s visit was quite nice for I took new friends, one was visiting from Wisconsin, and it’s so fun to experience the trails with newcomers who open your eyes to more of the wonderful things that you haven’t noticed lately due to familiarity.  Around every turn she was taking photos of the beautiful elephant leaf ferns to simple little morning glory flowers and we showed her the sleeping grass.

Sleeping Grass

We went on a sunny clear day after an awesome breakfast a Koko Head Cafe.  This visit to Likeke was more crowded than the last but it is summertime!  Looking back through my photos from all visits reminds me that even though I do many of these hikes over and over, there’s always something new to see and experience.  The first visit in 2017, Jacci and I didn’t make it to Likeke Falls but found this other mini falls that we mistook for the right one.  We were on the right path but just needed to venture a little further!  It’s fun comparing the pictures, the large graffiti has changed under the bridge, and the “mascot” has much more flair!  My second visit with Jackie was a much needed respite, for it was the first hike I did after a rather traumatic experience & I was so grateful for the quiet time in nature with a new friend and outdoor lover.  This valley is amazing, full of so many tropical beauties; guava, avocados, artwork, waterfalls, flowers and of course spending time in the woods is one of my favorite things!  I hope you enjoy this photographic journal of Likeke Falls, please contact me for custom built photographic or hiking tours.  And while your on the trail, remember to Malama Honua (take care of our island, Earth).

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Bishop Museum

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Who knew there was a castle in Honolulu.  Apparently I didn’t, but now I am in the know!  An impromptu date day with Jon was spent enjoying the Bishop Museum and left me knowing so much more about these Islands and the importance in remembering the legacy of the Hawaiian culture.  There was attention to detail in every turn and the memorabilia and artifacts were displayed efficiently and elegantly.  This was a beautiful way to spend an afternoon!  Starting off the day was a visit to the Planetarium to join the crew on the Hokele’a to learn how to navigate to Tahiti from Hawaii by the stars.  After the demonstration I actually felt as if I had a better grasp on my astronomy knowledge and could know the general direction at night now.  Then we explored the massive and beautiful Hawaiian Hall.  From the huge Sperm Whale suspended from the ceiling to the ancient Tiki’s, I was amazed at every turn and easily could have spent all day there…hmm.  After the hall we enjoyed the great lawn, gardens and the science adventure center.


Hawaii Loa Ridge Hike

I went on a hike yesterday.  Hawaii Loa Ridge is probably my favorite hike on Hawaii.  Mostly because the trail is challenging but rewarding and it is lightly trafficked!  There is plenty of up and down, instead of just straight up, up, up! There’s cool forested groves with beautiful light shows on the forest floor.  There’re many steps, all different heights, narrow muddy culverts, wildflowers in bloom, and songbirds galore.  There is very little noise other than the occasional plane, the wind, and the birds!  The weather changes rapidly and can go from windy and cloudy to brutally sunny and hot to raining in an instant.  Best part is, you’re in and out in four hours!

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