As I work towards slowly conquering as many Oahu trails as I am able, I constantly seek out new ones to add to my list of completed trails. I definitely use Alltrails for much of my information and this particular trail is listed on their site. Many of the trails on Oahu are private or off limits due to liability problems that may arise due to careless hikers. This trail starts near the skatepark in Hawaii Kai off Malahuena Lane. Please stay to the left and do not disturb the sacred Heiau. The start to the trail is slightly deceiving because of the overgrown grasses and the downed trees, but continue up the faint trail and as you climb, the trail is easier to follow. Most of this trail is exposed to the elements so be prepared for the weather. This weather this day was bright and sunny so I ended up with a sunburn. I also ran out of water at the end, which is rare, for I usually carry more than I need. Fortunately we were almost through when I emptied the bladder and I had more water in the car. This hike has continuous views of the Kamiloiki valley and most of Hawaii Kai. It follows the ridge that is mostly rocky and desert like with short Kiawe trees. I manage to step on a Kiawe thorn that went straight into my hiking boot & when removed was over 1/2 inch; ouch! As we traversed up and down the ridge with the sun beating down on us we noticed, with relief, a forest towards the end. Here was a campers paradise. It was a completely flat area with a beautiful Eucalyptus tree grove where the shade and wind provided a nice resting spot! Back on the trail there was a bit more up and down: mostly up: and soon we reached the KST. Turning right from here it was a short climb to the top and a drop dead gorgeous view of Waimanalo Beach. This trail took us 4 1/2 hours, however we did spend a good amount of time on photo taking and breaks! This hike really is a special one for both the killer views & the fact that there was not a soul on the trail!
Kamiloiki Ridge Trail

Black Witch Moth